A post from the first day of Summerfest, the World's largest music festival. It wouldn't be a full day without people watching (especially of this cute little kid in the background throwing up the Rock-On sign at the Rancid concert)...

Or without friends...like these guys right here. As per my usual mode of operation, I managed to combine two groups of friends who had never met before and still have everyone have a good, if not a little random evening. From Right to Left, it's Mike and Mike, Elysia- a friend of my pal Omar, and then Omar and Ben doing they're best to be ridiculous. The guys were excited to see Rise Against. I was excited just to be at Summerfest. And I think Elysia wasn't very excited at all. But at least we had fireworks...

...like these. It's one shot I took of the Big Bang fireworks, which kick off the festival every year.