Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Glitch in the Matrix

The two black cats at my friend Amelia's house...almost the same, but not quite. I like how one of the cats' names is Gotti, and Amelia describes him as a "pimp" and says that he does whatever he wants around the house.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Through the Looking Glass

Fall is happening outside of my Dad's living room...the trees are so yellow that when the sun shines into the room the whole place is filled with a warm golden yellow glow. I took a picture of it so that when it's snowy and about 20 degrees below zero outside, I will remember how much I actually like living in a frozen tundra...when it's not so frozen.

Monday, October 26, 2009

In Grandma's Basement

I belong to a family of music lovers, and my Grandma Marge (who still puts on tight fitting jeans and goes out dancing) is no exception. She has a Jukebox in her basement that plays old 45's, and insists on the occasional impromptu dance her a dancing queen, just don't call her old.

Another Typical Family Photo

I love it when my relatives do this: ask us to take a picture and then all look in different directions. This is from yesterday's celebration of my cousin Stephanie's baptism. (She's the baby in the white christening get-up.)

Sunday, October 25, 2009


My belated birthday cake from my Grandma Marge was epic: it looked like a Swiss Cake Roll, and had ice cream in the middle. Nothing says Happy Birthday like Chocolate-chip-ice-cream-birthday-cake. Cheers to that!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Night Lights

I'm a big fan of the effort to light up Milwaukee at night...including the lights on the underside of the Marquette Interchange, the recent lighting of the Art Museum for the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, and especially the color-changing lights at the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts. My friends and I were taking a stroll past it last night (that's my out-of-focus friend Omar on the bridge).

Friday, October 23, 2009

More autumn-ness

Some general autumn leaves action happening over at the Charles Allis Art Museum on Prospect Ave.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fall is here

It's a little over-saturated, but you get the idea: fall is in full-swing. I snapped this shot of a lady carrying home her groceries under some autumn colored Maple trees over on West Howard Ave.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Silence on the air waves

I thought maybe I should post a little note letting you all know that I've been neglecting the blog lately because I've had a weird flu-like bug since Saturday. So in my quest to sleep, lounge in pajamas on my couch and eat saltine crackers, I haven't had much time to be out taking pictures. I'll be back later this week.

Until then, here are some other photoblogs that I dig because they focus on daily photos from other cities:

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Family Chef

Mama D is one hell of a cook - while I was at home visiting her and the family this weekend she whipped up a lobster bisque, steak, carrots, and baked potatoes for dinner. She's a pro, and is single-handedly the reason that I cannot cook very well (I'm learning...I only fill the kitchen with smoke about once every two weeks now...quite the accomplishment). Above, she stirs the bisque, and below, stirs up some simmering carrots.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kansas City Beef

I went to visit Mama D in Kansas City over the weekend. Knowing my obsession for cheeseburgers, she made a smart choice and took me to lunch at J Alexander's, a local restaurant that has delicious well-done fare as well as one of the best burgers in town. Other than wanting to slather ketchup all over it (perhaps a second obsession), I enjoyed it thoroughly. You can see below just how much I enjoyed it...just call me a member of the clean plate club.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pumpkins- the after shot

The after shots - I had attempted a Jack Skellington face, with mixed results but better than I usually do. I have one extra pumpkin (in case I massacred mr. skellington) which I might carve as well.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pumpkins- the before shot

I plan on carving up some pumpkins - I got some lovely, orange, round, perfect pumpkins from outside of Brady Street Hardware (for just 3 dollars a pop, pretty amazing). This is the before shot, as in before I butcher these pumpkins with my sloppy carving skills. I might even roast some pumpkin seeds...look at me getting all ambitious!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Per a very special request, here are some long awaited pictures of genuine Wisconsin moo-cows.

Like a rural where's Waldo...

Cooking while Camping

Campsite eggs benedict: a study in culinary failure. We ended up scrambling them instead, and eating them sandwich style with some cheesy Doritos (very classy).

Scenic View

Just a scenic view of Whitewater Lake...even though it was rainy, I did my fair share of hiking.

Playing with Fire

I went camping this weekend in Kettle Moraine State Forest (the southern unit) with some friends. Took this picture of my friend Mike playing with a piece of firewood and very consciously doing his best to set the woods on fire. Good thing it had rained all day.