I went to the Art Museum last week to check out the Andy Warhol exhibit (which they wouldn't let me take pictures of it, so it doesn't get its own post) and while I was there went to visit my favorite piece of art in the regular collection. It looks unassuming, just an open suitcase on the floor, until...

You walk up to the suitcase and look in. This isn't the best picture of it, but in the suitcase is a sewer grate, and under the sewer grate is a stream with plants, rocks, and running water. If you're really interrogative in nature, you can walk around the back of the suitcase and see two pairs of feet...

It looks like a dad holding a little kid up over the water as it runs by. I think I love this because it's three things in one, isn't what it seems on the surface and isn't the sort of modern, abstract art that I could do myself at home with rocks or finger paints. Thumbs up for the suitcase.
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